About Us

Who we are

The Darts Factory (TDF) was established in 2015, we realized that the sport of darts & gaming technology had advanced to a point where they could bring fun fitness and healthy experience into the home. We aim to produce high quality darts, promote this innovative edutainment technology to more young people, and family members as well as connecting global dart players through our products.

Why play darts?

Darts is a historical sport since 19th Century in Britain, to cultivate people’s humble, etiquette and team spirit. Nowadays, most commercial or education association have joined the darts as an interest or team training.

Darts, in addition to training for team spirit, is also able to train the body both physically and mentally.  Darts also require less space and equipment than other sports. This makes darts easier to promote to every family.

Today the Darts market are flourishing from being a bar and pub game into the house. Being a great sport for networking, you can find darts in all kinds of places.

There are many benefits to this sport. Through science and technology, you can now link across the globe to join our darts community.


To become the world’s leading brand in the sports of darts and gaming technology


To support, expand, and connect the darts playing community globally

 Characteristics of Our Products:

  • Innovative & Creative
  • High-end and professional
  • State-of-the-art design
  • Trendy & Unique
  • Online battling mode in app

Our Office:
Address (Office only; Not open to public): The Darts Factory Limited, Unit B, 12/F, Hang Seng Causeway Bay Building, 28 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2180 7047
Mobile / Whatsapp: (852) 5130 5506
*(Previous mobile number 9146 5955 was terminated since 1 Jun 2024)
Email: hello@thedartsfactory.com